This page explains how to pass the information to a cryptographic operation that requires the string to be encoded in UTF-8.
Important The first rule is that you should always convert VB strings to a byte array before trying to do cryptographic operations.. This means that each character is stored in two bytes (well, actually, some obscure characters can use more).. Driver tuner dm 800 clone image to ssd Because ASCII is a subset of UTF-8 this array is also UTF-8 encoded.
For example the 3-character ASCII string 'abc' is represented by the three bytes 0x61 0x62 0x63.. How to convert VBA/VB6 Unicode strings to UTF-8 VBA/VB6 stores its strings internally in what Microsoft documentation used to call 'Unicode' but should more accurately be called UTF-16.. Simple ASCII strings A simple ASCII string can be converted to a byte array using the internal StrConv() function Dim abData() As Byte abData = StrConv(strInput, vbFromUnicode) This stores the ASCII characters one per byte in the byte array abData.. OptionButton Checkbox Label CommandButton File I/O Clipboard I/O Other routines for putting Unicode into the caption of any VB control with a hWnd.. Unicode Controls for VB6 free download Get the latest version now Unicode Controls and Classes for VB6 - Turn your VB6 into an Unicode Machine! Here, full unicode support in both design mode and during runtime for VB6.
